I made Monica’s fruit salad for our family Xmas Brunch and it was the talk of the serving table, until all the other good food was set out!

show stealing fruit platter

Monica used strawberries in her original recipe, but the season wasn’t right now.  So I used wonderful cherries and cantaloupe along with the blackberries and raspberries.

For the instructions on how to prepare Monica’s show stealing fruit patter just go to the recent post section of my blog archives under  Easy Show Stealing Fruit Platter.


Madalyn and Don cooked up a storm for the brunch.  I was taken by the wonderfully cooked bacon.  They shared their technique.  In short … don’t fry the bacon. Nope …. bake it in the oven.  Yep, the oven.

I haven’t tried this yet but I am told, if you place the bacon on a grate (think pizza grate or cooler grate) that is on top of a large oven sheet with sides (to catch and hold the grease) you can bake perfect bacon.  WARNING : repeat make sure the grate fits within the lipped oven sheet so that grease does not make contact with the interior of the oven and catch fire.

Bake the bacon for 10 to 12 minutes at 375 degrees. Flip the bacon over and bake for up to another 5 minutes depending on how crunchy you like your bacon.

The bacon they made was soft and tender. Very good indeed. And, I am told the oven stays clean because there is no splatter and all the grease is caught in the baking sheet.  No splatter bacon could be the best thing since  no tears  shampoo!

Good Eating and Table Talk,


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