This week’s easy recipe is based on a recipe I found in the Colorado Cache Cookbook, a wonderful cookbook published through the Junior League of Denver. The book, and the exact recipe, can be ordered through http://www.jld.org .
This easy to make apple and sausage casserole is great for brunch with family or friends.
1 lb. Farmer John Classic Pork Link Sausage
6 medium granny apples – peeled and sliced
juice of 1/4 lemon
3 Tbsp. brown sugar
Brown the sausage, and place on paper towel to soak up grease.
Slice sausage in half.
Butter a 1 1/2 quart casserole.
To casserole add apple slices, sausage and and then gently mix.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon over the mixture.
Sprinkle the brown sugar over the mixture
Cover casserole and place in oven heated to 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Plate with eggs, and toast and you are ready serve an easy yet wonderful brunch.
- Space Shuttle fly by over LAX
I was sitting at my desk, trying to work, fighting the urge to head out to watch the space shuttle Endeavour riding on top of a 747 fly over LA. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to check the latest information on the Internet. That’s when I learned the flight to LA had been delayed by about an hour or so. Oh, oh, there was still time for me bail on work and watch history unfold.
I concluded that If I was going to see history, rather than just seeing the fly over I should see the landing at LAX. I turned on the radio and learned that all the parking spaces around the end of the runway near Imperial were parked up. Whatever, I figured I could find a parking spot.
In fact I did find a parking spot. Unfortunately my parking spot was on the east side of all lanes of the 405 north and south. I parked on a neighborhood street, and began the long walk. Soon I approached a lone building with signage to the effect of “Girls, Girls, Girls”. I made a mental note that if I ran out of energy on the long hot walk back that establishment could offer air conditioning and a cold drink. Now confident that I had an plan in place for all contingencies I started walking toward the east side of the north bound 405. Not so bad really, while walking under the 8 or so lanes I was in shade most of the time. It occurred to me that I was walking faster under the 405 than I drive down the 405 on many occasions.
Next I started my journey under the south bound 405. Finally, I skirted under a portion of the 105. As I emerged from the freeways the sky became blue instead of the concrete gray. On the downside, I was now walking in close to high noon direct sun.
Eventually, I arrived at the fenced rental car parking lot at the edge of the runway. There was space for me to stand at the fence. Unfortunately the wire fencing was about two feet taller than me. I would see the event from the perspective of someone peering out of a prison fence.
Unless. To my right was a gigantic pickup truck. A man, wife, and two sons were standing in the pickup bed waiting for the big event. And right next to me was the truck’s front left tire, the top of which was about 3 feet above ground level.
I politely asked the man if I could stand on his tire. And he, likely pleased I didn’t want to stand in the truck bed, told me to live it up.
Soon the spectacle of a 747 with the space shuttle Endeavour mounted on top, escorted by two jet fighters unfolded.
What a sight, what a day! First the 747 with fighter jet escort did a wheels up low fly by (first picture). At the end of LAX they rose into the air to come around for the landing. After a few minutes the 747 returned for the final landing of the Endeavour. I’m sad to see the shuttle program end, but I’m excited to see what NASA rolls out next. What a day.
Good Eating and Table Talk,
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