Pork Tenderloin with Jalapeno Sauce and Rice


This week’s easy dinner recipe is Pork Tenderloin with Jalapeno Sauce and Rice.  The  dish is low in fat and high in flavor! It is a  little spicy but it will be a hit with family or friends.  Best part is,  from start to finish this family meal takes only about 50 minutes!



My practice was largely involved with the building industry. It goes without saying that over the past few years new residential projects have been off just a tad. So, I found myself with a little more free time than usual. It drives She Who Must Be Obeyed crazy, but I am one of those people who can’t sit still. I have trouble watching games on TV because I get antsy. So, my newly freed up time needed to be filled.

My first adventure was creating Easy Recipes And Stuff. I love this platform because it allows me to explore cooking, meet fellow bloggers and cooks, and tell an And Stuff story every week. I can remember the very first time I had a hit on this blog! I actually ran down stairs to tell Sue someone read my blog! In one year’s time my blog has grown exponentially and now has a strong following. I really enjoy sharing my recipes and thoughts.

With my blog platform up and running, I again had a little more free time to fill. For many years I have had a screenplay in mind. Late last summer, around the time of the SaMo IFBC, I began working on my screenplay. I can’t tell you how much fun I had writing the screenplay. After coverage and revisions were completed I was actually sad the project was over. Weird huh.

Around the first of the year I started a second screenplay, but about half way through I just wasn’t feeling it; perhaps I will take a look at it again down the road. Not long ago while power walking at the beach, I came up with an idea for my third screenplay which excited me. I began to work on plot scenarios, and started researching security systems, guns, and helicopters. The screenplay began to flow easily. I liked my characters and after a month or so it was off for coverage.

So, now I have two complete full length screenplays, next comes the hard part; doing something with the product.

I’ve known a few people in the industry over the years. My best friend, now deceased, was a music producer and at one point we were tinkering with a video distribution idea. I have recently been speaking with a writer friend in Houston, and locally with friends in or related to the industry. And then, at around 11:05 I called an attorney friend who I knew has had some dealings with the industry. I suggested lunch next week to talk about how one goes about getting representation. My friend told me how amazed he was at the timing of my call, as he was about to have lunch with a producer. He wondered if I could get both my screenplays and treatments to his office before 11:40. Hell yes I could. By 11:38 I was at his office, and briefly met his producer friend as I delivered my screenplays.

What will come of this fortuitous turn of events? I don’t know. But I do know I gotta keep moving, cuz I still need representation. And, dang this is fun.

Good Eating and Table Talk,


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