My family loves black and blue hamburgers. Typically I pick the burgers up prepared at the grocery store. But, I figured it couldn’t be that hard to make a killer blue cheese burger. And since I was in the experimentation mood I figured why not add some new flavors. I have test cooked and served this recipe, and it was a hit. Follow the step by step easy instructions and you will make a dinner sure to please!
Recipe serves four.
1 1/4 lb. Hamburger (sirloin or other lean)
Stilton Cheese -crumble enough to fill center of burger
1 1/2 Tbsp. Pancetta – diced
1 1/2 Tbsp. BBQ sauce
Fresh ground Mixed Peppercorns – to taste
Rye bread
1 yellow Onion – sliced and separated into rounds
1 Tomato – sliced
1 Tbsp Olive oil
Two large potatoes – sliced like french fries
1 Tbsp butter
Catalina Salad Dressing
Place the hamburger in a large bowl, add BBQ sauce, Pancetta, peppercorn and salt to taste. Mix the ingredients into the hamburger with your hand. Do not over work the hamburger. Divide the hamburger into four servings. Divide each serving into two and form two slender patties. On one patty place stilton cheese.
Next, cover the stilton patty with the remaining patty and work them together to form one patty. And repeat with remaining burgers.
Next cut your potatoes into french fries form, drizzle a little olive oil over them and mix to cover, and then place on cooking sheet. Cook at 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Saute the onions in butter on medium heat until soft and golden colored. Place in small bowl and cover with foil.
Pan fry or BBQ hamburgers for about 4 minutes on each side. Do not squish them with spatula while cooking this will dry the meat out, and you will lose stilton.
On each plate place a piece of rye bread, spread mustard and Catalina dressing on the bread. Next place a cooked stilton and pancetta hamburger on the bread, add tomato, and top with onions. Add the french fries and you are ready to eat!
I am thrilled to report I survived my 60th birthday! I got a little apprehensive as the day approached. Like I said before, 50 had not bothered me, but there was something about 60 that did. But, as time does not stop, the big day arrived.
The birthday turned out to great. Had a nice meal at home with Sue and the three kids. Very, very nice family evening.
The next night Sue took me out for a wonderful meal at Chez Melange. That was a marvelous dinner and closure on the event.
Next day, now well into 60 years of age, my oldest son Conrad and my youngest son went to the LA Auto Show. She Who Must Be Obeyed went for a well deserved day out and about with Kacy. The Auto Show was fun, but one can spend only so much time looking at cars one has no desire to buy. So off we went. Conrad decided we should hit a surf shop to look around on the way home. I enjoyed that.
But, eventually it was time to get ready to go to the in-laws to watch the USC v UCLA game and have pizza. Sue was late getting home, something about having to work on her mom’s computer. Eventually we were ready to leave. I remembered there might be some kids there so I told She Who Must Be Obeyed that I was going back in to get my left over cake for any kids that might show up to watch the game.
Parked in the in-laws driveway, and carrying my cake I walked into the house. And that’s when about 40 people yelled Happy Birthday! Seems the little lady and Kacy had been working all day setting up a 70’s Style Party for me!! I was handed a gold jacket to wear and the party began. What a wonderful night. No matter where I went in the house or backyard there were friends and family to celebrate with. She Who Must Be obeyed and her evil assistant did awesome.
So, moral of the story – I am now 60 years old and still dumb as ever. I have not yet obtained the wisdom that goes with age, as my wife, kids, friends, and family can still completely pull the wool over on me. And that is just fine with me! Thanks again to everyone who helped make this the best birthday ever!
Good Eating and Table Talk,
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