I haven’t eaten a Monte Cristo sandwich in years.  But, the other day I recalled how tasty the sandwich was, and I began thinking about how to make an easy version.  Other than the batter for the toast, the ingredients for my easy recipe Monte Cristo are off the shelf. The other issue was the pain of trying to flip the large sandwich on the fry pan while browning the bread and melting the cheese inside. More times than not some of the meat or cheese would fall out during the process.  So, technology to the rescue.  Typically I use the microwave to reheat my coffee.  But, I figured there could be other uses for the microwave. And boom, it came to me.  Brown the toast in the fry pan, remove from pan, prep with sauces, jams, meats, and cheese, top it, and place it in the microwave to melt the cheese.  No flipping, no problems, real easy, and good .        

Recipe serves 4.


For Batter:

3 eggs

1/2 C milk

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

pinch of salt

8 slices country bread

For spread:

Store bought rhubarb strawberry fruit spread

3 Tbsp Mayonnaise

2 Tbsp mustard

2 leaves fresh mint – diced.

For the filling:

8 slices deli style turkey

8 slices deli style ham

Gruyere cheese – sliced

powdered sugar


Mix the mayonnaise, mustard, mint in small bowl.

In a large deep dish place 3 eggs, mild, vanilla, cinnamon, salt, and whip together.

One by one dip bread slices into the batter, covering both sides of the bread.

Melt butter in fry pan and brown the “French Toast” on both sides.  You will need to add butter as you progress through the 8 slices.  Set the browned slices to the side.   

On paper plate place one slice of browned bread, spread mayo/mustard sauce on top, add 2 slices of turkey, 2 slices of ham,  and slices of Gruyere cheese.  Spread rhubarb strawberry fruit spread on second slice of browned bread and place on top to finish the sandwich.  Place in microwave on high for 40 seconds to melt cheese and warm the meat. Repeat for remaining sandwiches. 

Gently move sandwich from paper plate to the serving plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar, add side of fruit and enjoy your super easy super good dinner.    


So there I was sitting on the patio of a small, but good, coffee shop in PV, looking all local like enjoying my latte.  A  group of tourists walked by obviously looking for something. I continued to sip my latte and think.  I am very good at sipping and thinking. After a while the tourists walked past going back the direction they had come from, still looking for something.  Next thing I know, the parent walks up to me, you know the local looking person, and asks if there are any Mexican restaurants nearby.  I thought for a moment (but not enough before replying) and responded not that I was aware of, and then I recommended a couple restuarents up the road. The parent thanked me, walked about 15 feet stopped and yelled back at me, found one! Oops, I forgot there was one about 30 feet behind me and around the corner.

I like being helpful.

I also like learning something new everyday.

Got to do two things I like that day. I guess, it was a good day.            

Good Eating and Table Talk,


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