Easy Southwestern Caesar Ahi Salad


This week’s easy recipe uses the Southwestern Caesar salad dressing from Enchantment Resort which I have modified slightly to make preparation easier.  If you’re not a fan of Ahi tuna you can substitute chicken strips.

Ahi Caesar Salad

recipe serves 4


1 lb. sushi grade Ahi

2 head Romaine lettuce

1 Carrot – pealed into strips

2 Tomatoes – cut into wedges

2 Limes – juiced

1 C Mayonnaise (low fat)

1/4 C shredded Parmesan Cheese

2 tsp Red Wine Vinegar

2 oz can Anchovies Filets

1/2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce

Dash of Tabasco Sauce

salt and pepper to taste


To a blender add the: mayonnaise, chili powder, Parmesan cheese, lime juice, anchovies, red wine vinegar, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper.  Blend until smooth.

Wash, dry, and tear up the Romaine lettuce.

Peel carrot into strips.

Cut tomatoes into wedges.

Pre-heat BBQ to high heat.

Coat both sides of the Ahi with canola oil and then apply generous amount of ground pepper to both sides.

Cook Ahi about one minute on each side.

Slice Ahi  into 1/3 of inch thick slices.

Plate the romaine lettuce, add Ahi, carrots, tomatoes, and Southwestern Caesar salad dressing.  And that’s all there is to making a great easy dinner for four!


My dear friend Larry is recovering from a desiccated ascending aorta.  He is very lucky. I have been told the nickname for the condition is the silent killer because typically there are no advance warnings or symptoms and the fatality rate is extremely high.

According to Wikipedia: “Aortic dissection occurs when a tear in the inner wall of the aorta  causes blood to flow between the layers of the wall of the aorta, forcing the layers apart. …. Aortic dissection … can quickly lead to death, even with optimal treatment, as a result of decreased blood supply to other organs,  cariac failure,  and sometimes rupture of the aorta. … The diagnosis is made with medical imaging…” ( http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aortic_dissection.com)

So, this week instead of a fun story, my suggestion for table talk is to discuss this condition because many, if not most, people are unaware of it.  An then make a point at your next physical to talk with your doctor about doing the imaging so the danger can be ruled our or addressed before unset.

To your health and the speedy recovery of my friend!

Good Eating and Table Talk,


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